
Step into the market through theraphy work with addicts


E1a - Total annual income of GP 2011/12
The total budget of the whole program is not known. The total cost of the employment: cc. 750 HUF/person/hour (cc.2 EUR/person/hour)

E1b - How is this made up?
State aid. Sales revenues

E1c - Details of human resources
1 artist teacher
1 social employment coordinator
1 folk games and crafts instructor
1 coordinator (recreation, marketing expert)
1 pottery expert

E1d - Details of technology
taining program, manufacturing technologies

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
machineries and equipments of the pottery

E1f - Details of external support
adult training center to implement the trainings

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?

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