
School of Social Economy


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion
Neutral impacts
Any other comments?

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
Whenever the school celebrates an external contract, it takes into account the local scope and favours social enterprises. Throughout the last decade, the School has trained 5,000 people in a way very connected to entrepreneurship and social economy. 1,900 out of them has been focussed on entrepreneurial competences for women, youth leadership and community entrepreneurship in Latin America.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The School is a dynamic reference of adaptation to social and economic changes. Consacrated to training in the beginning, it has included CSR, research and consultancy among its services.

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
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The School is conceived as a meeting space to boost cross-sectoral work. The organisation of the Iberoamerican Forum of Social Economy is an example. This video shows information on the Forum:
Apart from the training as a main activity, the School facilitates the creation ot cross-sectoral networks, namely the Network of Cooperatives of Credit. One more indicator of the financial approach might be the inclusion of the debate axis "Financial answers" during the Iberoamerican Forum of Social Economy.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Since 2010, the School organises programms of social entrepreneurship, with special focus on socially deprived areas in the region. The School is a companion to social entrepreneurs.

B1f - Amenities for local people
Neutral impacts
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B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
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It is its main aim.

B1h - Crisis response
Positive impacts
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Taking into account the current economic context, the School has organised seminars and experts' fora on how to address the economic situation from the social economy perspective.

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
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B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
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As said before, it has been raised to a policy category from the signature of the II Andalusian Pact on Social Economy.

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
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B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
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