
Summer camps: networking in social enterprises


A1 - Title in original language
Campamentos de verano: empresas sociales en red

A2 - Title in English
Summer camps: networking in social enterprises

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)

A5 - Economic field of activity
P Education

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To improve social cohesion/inclusion
To provide amenities for local people
To address legal or financial exclusion

A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (small scale)

A8a - Start date
July 2012

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
September 2012

A9 - Short description of the GP
Cooperation among entities and social insertion enterprises in order to organize summer camps for social groups at risk of exclusion.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
business cooperation
groups at risk of exclusion
social economy
work insertion
social insertion

A11 - Objectives of the GP
business cooperation to reach a broader number of social groups

A12 - Activities that have taken place
Business alliances to offer a joint educative and housing offer in children' summer camps.

A13 - Achievements of the GP
The GP managed to create a new cooperation field for social insertion companies.

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