
Parklife Community Interest Company


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion (people who legally or finacially excluded)
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Eg through Job Club which runs weekly. Numbers attending varies, but averages around 6 people.

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Enabled creation of 2 local businesses.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities (enabling people to adapt to their changing circumtances)
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Job Club has had very positive impact on lives of those attending.

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Involvement of Southampton City Council with Job Club. Enagement with local youth project. Provide trade for local businesses through café work.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Neutral impacts
Any other comments?

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Providing amenties for local people is at the heart of what Parklife does.

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Through provision of yoga classes, Job Club, 'Learn to Love Learning' sessions (informal skills sharing sesssions). Some informal social skills training, eg confidence building.

B1h - Crisis response
Neutral impacts
Any other comments?
Occasional signposting to other organisations.

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

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