
Rio Terà dei Pensieri


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
The GP does not carry out specific publicity activities but it promots itself with the success of their collaborations with local companies and public authority. Their good job is promoted using informal contacts within the local network.

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
Rio Terà has a good relationship with the Municipality of Venice, with the Veneto Region and with the Italian Ministry of Justice with which they discuss about the operations in the prisons. The Ministry of Justice decided to renovate a room of the penitentiary which is now used as a laboratory. The Municipality of Venice and the Veneto Region have provided a contribution for the purchase of certain equipment useful for the production of cosmetics. The training courses for the work integration have been realized until now with ad hoc financing by the Veneto Region through specific calls for proposals aimed at the vocational training in prison.

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
The idea of work rehabilitation of prisoners is the transferrable caracteristic of Rio Terà. For these people, work is an important opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility essential to the conduct of a life in law. Even if, when they finish to serve the sentence, they will not continue the learned job, however they carry with them the wealth of experience, the rules of life learned and the value of work.

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