The MESSE Video

Get to know the MESSE project, the partners behind the project and their work by watching the MESSE video.

The main objective...

... of the MESSE project is reinforcing and improving the effectiveness of regional policies in supporting and promoting socially responsible economic development, through identification, analysis, benchmarking and dissemination of best practices in legal, tax and operational instruments adopted by public authorities for enhancing the Social Economy. Within the newly proposed Europe 2020, the European Parliament has identified a need to promote the development of this sector, via the strengthening of the cooperation between public institutions, social enterprises and for profit companies.



Project Network ... in Sweden

In Östergötland there are several actors in the current support structure for WISEs; Coompanion, Serus, Kooptjänst, Kooptima and Se Upp. Coompanions focus is to provide free of charge advisory services to companies in the cooperative sector. SERUS is a cooperative with broad international and national contacts. SERUS can assist businesses in civil society and the social economy. It works with a broad focus in order to assist the authorities as well as organizations and businesses with a variety of services. This may involve developing projects, develop and implement ideas to target audiences, but it's also about business intelligence and lobbying activities. Kooperativtjänst K ekonomisk förening (Kooptjänst)  is a social enterprise which offers resources in start up phase as well as the can take care of a project's administration and management as well as giving hands on financial support towards its members. Kooptjänst consists of 8 local units, several areas of business and 110 employees. They are looking for an organizational form that combines the small cooperative advantages with the recourses of the Consortium.  Kooptima as a cooperative with several units focuses on people with disabilities and they are striving to expand by embrasing good buisnessideas which promotes job opportunities to disablede people.  Se Upp - social economy partnerships in Östergötland - is a non-profit organization formed to support non-profit organizations such as cooperatives, economic and non-profit organizations and social enterprises. The purpose of Se upp is to be the coordinating actor at regional level that promotes the social economy.